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Selecting The Right Coffee Machine For Your Business

The workplace is probably the place where coffee is most needed (and well enjoyed). Perhaps you just had a stressful meeting with investors, or had to sort out some delayed shipments to clients, there’s a lot of demoralizing, energy-sapping activities that occur in the workplace.

It’s normal to feel drained in the middle of a workday, and need a quick boost. This is where coffee comes in; a cup of coffee gives that much needed boost whenever you need it, and can be the difference between a really stressful day and an okay day.

For some people having a coffee machine in the office is a no-brainer. Having it and making your own coffee is a lot quicker than constantly buying from coffee shops when you crave some caffeine. Plus it’s cheaper, and you can have multiple cups throughout the workday.

The quality of equipment that is used to make coffee is as important as the quality of coffee beans the coffee is brewed from, particularly in the office where large quantities of coffee are made at a time. Not all coffee machines are made the same way and some do a better job of preparing hot delicious coffee than others. They also have unique features that requires a deep look to discern which you desire for you office.

With the right equipment and coffee machine, you can make great tasting quality coffee in significant quantity for yourself, colleagues or employees as might be the case. While shopping for a coffee machine for your business, some critical questions require some deliberation to make the right choice. You need to consider what is needed in your business and your budget first of all.


The first thing that needs to be considered when shopping for a coffee machine for a business is the organization’s budget for it. This is extremely important because good coffee machines can cost quite a penny, though some budget options exist too.

Once you know what your budget is, you need to look at the options available within that budget. Commercial-grade coffee machine prices start from $1000, while some cost north of $35,000. The price mostly depends on the size, configuration and settings available on individual machines. The features available on the machine you opt for has to align with the needs of your business.


Space is another factor to consider while shopping for a coffee machine for your business. Just as they vary in features offered, coffee machines equally vary by size; with some like high volume coffee machines being quite large while others like single cup coffee makers are fairly portable. If you don’t have a lot of space and are on a tight budget, you might want to consider the more portable options available.


Equally important among things to consider is the amount of coffee to be brewed in the office daily. This of course depends on the amount of employees the business has, and the number of those that love coffee. If it’s a large company with a lot of workers, then one of the larger coffee machines that make dozens of cups at a time is the way to go. Otherwise, if the organization isn’t quite large, then a portable coffee machine would serve well.

Now that we’ve shed some light on the factors to consider before settling on a choice of coffee machine for your business, next we’re going to discuss some decent coffee machines for the workplace.

Coffee Percolator

This kind of coffee machine was extremely popular in the 1970s. It has a pot and chamber below that are usually placed beside the machine’s heat source. They allow the brewing of several liters of coffee at once, and keep it all hot for stretches by continuously boiling the brewed coffee.

The drawback of percolators is that they may over-extract coffee, and there’s a chance already brewed coffee is circulated back to the coffee beans. They make up for this though, by allowing the brewing of large amounts of coffee at a time, and comparatively cheap.

Compact Espresso Machine

Portable espresso machines allow you get your caffeine hit from your favorite espressos right from your office. These machines offer a lot of flexibility when brewing espressos. They’re usually semi-professional machines that are uncomplicated to install and use, and churn out great espressos that are similar to the ones you’d buy at a coffee shop.

They’re also not as bulky as professional espresso machines so they can be fitted in the workplace without taking up too much space.

Programmable Coffee Maker

Programmable coffee makers allow you to decide how you want your coffee and have it done by programming the coffee maker. Depending on the brand, this kind of coffee maker has a lot of customizable features that you’ll find very handy in the office. You can control the strength of the coffee brew, set and adjust the temperature as you want, and also set a timer and auto on/off.

The convenience that programmable coffee makers permit is what makes them such a great choice for the office. These coffee makers also brew a decent quantity of coffee per batch, and are of the right size as well.

Hot Coffee Maker

Not all coffee makers that are great for the office cost an arm and a leg. There are options that work well enough in the workplace and are decently priced, albeit with limited functionality that you can live with. Hot coffee machines are fairly cheap, can be easily operated by anyone in the office, and most importantly, they get the job done and serve well brewed hot coffee. They usually have a water tank and filter for hassle-free brewing. You’d only have to live with the limited amount of functions and configuration these coffee makers come with.

Having a coffee machine in the workplace is a smart move, one that allows you and employees or colleagues to have as much coffee as you want during work hours. You only need to consider your budget, amount of people that would be using the coffee maker, desired functions in the coffee maker, and the amount of space available for the machine.
